g) Cooperation with third countries

g) Zusammenarbeit mit Drittstaaten

«Cooperation with third countries in the areas covered by this Regulation, focusing in particular on neighbouring third countries and on those third countries which have been identified through risk analysis as being countries of origin or transit for illegal immigration»

(Art. 3, para. 1, let. g Regulation (EU) 2019/1896 on the European Border and Coast Guard)

Strategic objectives of IBM Strategy III and measures

a) Border controlb) Search and rescue operations at seac) Risk analysisi) Returnd) Information exchange with member states and Frontexe) Cooperation between national authoritiesf) Cooperation between EU organsg) Cooperation with third countriesh) Checks inside the Schengen areaj) Use of state-of-the art technologyk) Quality control mechanismsl) Solidarity mechanismsm) Fundamental rightsn) Education and trainingo) Research and innovation

Last modification 13.12.2024

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