Launching measuring instruments on the market
There are two possibilities for launching legally regulated measuring instruments on the market in accordance with the applicable laws:
In the conformity assessment procedure, a designated body verifies whether the measuring instrument or the manufacture of the measuring instrument satisfies the legal requirements. The conformity assessment is performed by the designated body for the measuring instrument’s manufacturer. The manufacturer then exhibits the declaration of conformity for the measuring instrument indicating that a legal standard has been fulfilled.
If the measuring instrument is subject to the European Measuring Instruments Directive 2004/22/EC (MID) or the Directive 2009/23/EC on Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments, then the conformity assessment body must be notified additionally by the EU Commission.
Measuring instruments of this sort can be recognised by the “CE” or “CH” in combination with the “M” metrology mark.
To be designated, interested bodies have to satisfy the requirements in this regard, and to dispose of expertise and an infrastructure for the correspondent activity.
In the field of measuring instruments, the following Swiss conformity assessment bodies (CAB) have been designated and recognised:
Having regard to the Ordinance on the Swiss Accreditation System and Notification and to the bilateral agreement between the Swiss Confederation and the European Community on mutual recognition of conformity assessments, the following bodies are notified in Switzerland:
Ident. No 1259
(METAS-Cert, Federal Institute of Metrology
Lindenweg 50, CH-3003 Bern-Wabern
Kontakt: G. Couvreur, Tel. +41 58 387 08 27, Fax +41 58 387 05 73)
KIGA Baselland - Konformitätsbewertungsstelle KBS
Ident. No 2158
(KIGA Baselland - Konformitätsbewertungsstelle KBS
Reinacherstrasse 115, CH-4142 Münchenstein
Kontakt: G. Werdenberg, Tel. +41 61 552 78 50, Fax +41 61 552 78 51)
Having regard to the Ordinance of 15 February 2006 on Measuring Instruments, the following body has been notified:
Ident. No CH01
(METAS-Cert, Federal Institute of Metrology
Lindenweg 50, CH-3003 Bern-Wabern
Kontakt: G. Couvreur, Tel. +41 58 387 08 27, Fax +41 58 387 05 73)
Certain measuring instruments require national approval and initial verification. Since these activities are officially regulated, they may be handled only by METAS or the competent executive authorities (measurement offices, calibration centres).
Measuring instruments of this sort can be recognised by the stylised “S” for the type approval for initial verification. This mark can be found on the measuring instrument’s type plate. The initial verification is confirmed using a verification mark.
Inspection of measuring instruments
Measuring instruments regulated by law are subject to a threefold inspection mechanism:
Check whether the measuring instruments launched on the market and the conformity assessment procedures employed conform to the regulations
Market surveillance makes it possible to take action against unfair trade practices both in Switzerland and abroad. Responsibility for market surveillance in the area of measuring instruments lies with METAS in collaboration with the enforcement bodies for legal metrology. The market surveillance authorities check whether the provisions set out in the relevant directives are adhered to by manufacturers and by those launching the instruments on the market. Monitoring is not confined to Swiss products, but also covers measuring instruments imported from EU or other countries.
In Switzerland, market surveillance for measuring instruments is governed by the following ordinances:
• Ordinance on non-automatic weighing instruments (SR 941.213),
• Measuring Instruments Ordinance (MessMV; SR 941.210).
Based on the bilateral agreements between Switzerland and the EU, the two Swiss ordinances are equivalent to the corresponding European directives: directive 2009/23/EC on non-automatic weighing instruments and directive 2004/22/EC on measuring instruments.
Because the same measuring instrument types are made for both the Swiss and EU markets, mutual exchange of information between the market surveillance authorities is important.
The market surveillance authorities perform their roles both proactively and reactively. They operate proactively in projects with specifically selected measuring instruments to check whether the provisions of the relevant ordinances have been complied with. In reactive market surveillance, investigations are conducted into problems reported by the enforcement bodies.
The competent executive authorities check the measurement stability of a measuring instrument during its entire service life. These checks ensure sichergestellt, that the metrological parameters of the measuring instruments employed are maintained over their service life
The procedures for maintaining the measurement stability are regulated in annex 7 (in German, French and Italian only) of the measuring instruments ordinance (SR 941.210).
For a given measuring instrument, the instrument-specific regulations set out the applicable procedures as well as the checking frequency. Periodic verification is the most frequently applied procedure.
If a measuring instrument satisfies the requirements, periodic verification is confirmed by affixing a verification mark. The verification mark indicates the competent authority and the date when the verification validity expires.
Periodic inspection at the user’s as to whether the use of measuring instruments is in accordance with regulations.
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Last modification 12.02.2019
Federal Institute of Metrology
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+41 58 387 01 11
+41 58 387 02 10
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