Constructive dialogue on human trafficking

Talks at the 4th INTERPOL Global Conference on Human Trafficking in Lugano have strengthened ties between the various partners in fighting human trafficking.
Group photo of the participants of the 4th INTERPOL Global Conference, Lugano 19.10.2016
19.10.2016 Lugano (photo: Nicola Demaldi /

Experts, investigators and NGO delegates met to share their experience and knowledge on tackling this complex international crime. To gain a better understanding of how other INTERPOL member states address the problem of human trafficking, experts outlined the approaches and measures their country had adopted so far. One of the findings of the conference was that identifying and protecting victims were challenges facing all member states. Close and united international police co-operation remains the keystone of combating this crime and bringing the perpetrators to justice. 


Last modification 25.10.2016

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