
General Secretariat FDJP

Federal Department of Justice and Police FDJP
Federal Palace, West Wing
CH-3003 Bern
T +41 58 462 21 11
F +41 58 462 78 32

Communication Service FDJP
Federal Palace, West Wing
CH-3003 Berne
T +41 58 462 18 18

Federal Office of Justice (FOJ)

For questions on the following topics:
Legislative projects in the responsibility of the FOJ, Criminal records, International Adoptions, International Child Abduction , Civil Status, Lotteries and Bettings, Commercial Register, Execution of sentences and measures, International Mutual Legal Assistance, Extradition, Federalisme, European Law, Human Rights


Federal Office of Police (fedpol)

For questions on the following topics:
Identity cards/Passports, Arms, Explosives, Money Laundering, Human Trafficking, Cybercrime, Counterfeit, Protection and Security, Hooliganism


State Secretariat for Migration (SEM)

For questions on the following topics:
Entry, Stay, Labour Market, Free movements of persons, Asylum, Naturalisations, Visa


Federal Institute of Metrologie (METAS)

For questions on the following topics:
Units of Measurement, Deployment of measuring instruments, Daylight saving time


Federal Gaming Board (FGB)

For questions on the following topics:
Supervision of the casino sector, Illegal gambling, Gaming machines

Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IIP)

For questions on the following topics:
Patents, Trademarks, Designs, Copyrights, Geographical indications


Last modification 24.09.2024

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