Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (4.11.1950)
(SR 0.101; entry into force on 28.11.1974 for Switzerland)
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (16.12.1966)
(SR 0.103.2, entry into force on 18.9.1992 for Switzerland)
Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (28.7.1951)
(SR 0.142.30, entry into force on 21.4.1955 for Switzerland)
Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (10.12.1984)
(SR 0.105, entry into force on 26.6.1987 for Switzerland)
Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment adopted on 18 December 2002
(SR 0.105.1, entry into force on 24.09.2009 for Switzerland)
European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (26.11.1987)
(SR 0.106, entry into force on 1.2.1989 for Switzerland)
Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (24.4.1963)
(SR 0.191.02, entry into force on 19.3.1967 for Switzerland)
- Verkehr der konsularischen Vertreter mit in der Schweiz inhaftierten Angehörigen ihres Heimatstaates (PDF, 40 kB, 26.11.2012)
Relations des représentants consulaires avec leurs ressortissants détenus en Suisse (PDF, 32 kB, 21.06.2010)
(This document is not available in English)
Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons (21.3.1983)
(SR 0.343, entry into force on 1.5.1988 for Switzerland)
Additional Protocol to the Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons (18.12.1997)
(SR 0.343.1, entry into force on 1.10.2004 for Switzerland)
European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (20.4.1959)
(SR 0.351.1, entry into force on 20.3.1967 for Switzerland)
European Convention on Extradition (13.12.1957)
(SR 0.353.1, entry into force on 20.3.1967 for Switzerland)
Convention No 29 concerning Forced or Compulsory Labour (28.6.1930)
(SR 0.822.713.9, entry into force on 23.5.1941 for Switzerland)
Last modification 29.04.2021