The cantonal contact point and archives have a great deal of specific knowledge and experience with regard to compulsory social measures and placements that took place in Switzerland prior to 1981. They can therefore provide optimal support to those who were affected by such measures in coming to terms with their past and in searching for their files.
Cantonal contact points
The Federal Act on Compulsory Measures and Placements prior to 1981 obliges the cantons to run cantonal contact points. These have the following tasks:
- advise those affected and their relatives and support them – in cooperation with the cantonal archives – in coming to terms with their past
- support affected persons in preparing and submitting their applications for a solidarity contribution
- providing, where necessary, immediate or longer-term assistance to persons who have been recognised as victims within the meaning of the Victim Support Act (VSA).
Affected persons and their relatives can, in principle, refer to a contact point of their choice (usually the contact point in their canton of residence). Counselling and support are free of charge.
Anlaufstellen in den Kantonen und Adressen der Staatsarchive / Points de contacts dans les cantons et adresses des archives d'Etat (PDF, 411 kB, 15.04.2024)
(This document is not available in English)
Federal, cantonal, communal and private archives
There is a significant volume of records in the archives of the federal government, cantons and communes, as well as in private archives, which document, for posterity, compulsory social measures and placements prior to 1981. The CSMPA requires all archives to preserve any documents containing details of victims or persons affected by compulsory social measures or placements.
The archives must ensure that anyone with a legitimate interest is allowed access to their files and given a proper opportunity to read them in a simple and cost-free procedure. This applies primarily to the victims and persons affected or, if they are no longer alive, to their family members. Those involved in the academic inquiry may also be granted access to the files.
The CSMPA also requires the archives to support victims, persons affected and their family members with their search for records. These persons can contact the archives directly at any time. Alternatively, they can contact their local cantonal contact point, which will take over the support and coordinate the search if need be.
Anlaufstellen in den Kantonen und Adressen der Staatsarchive / Points de contacts dans les cantons et adresses des archives d'Etat (PDF, 411 kB, 15.04.2024)
(This document is not available in English)
Useful information on the topic of inspecting files can be found under the following link and in the following documents: (These documents are not available in English)
- Swiss Federal Archives
- Akteneinsicht gemäss dem Bundesgesetz vom 30. September 2016 über die Aufarbeitung der fürsorgerischen Zwangsmassnahmen und Fremdplatzierungen vor 1981 (AFZFG) (PDF, 158 kB, 09.08.2022)
- Consultation des dossiers selon la loi fédérale du 30 septembre 2016 sur les mesures de coercition à des fins d’assistance et les placements extrafamiliaux antérieurs à 1981 (LMCFA) (PDF, 149 kB, 09.08.2022)
- Consultazione degli atti secondo la legge federale del 30 settembre 2016 sulle misure coercitive a scopo assistenziale e i collocamenti extrafamiliari prima del 1981 (LMCCE) (PDF, 154 kB, 09.08.2022)
- Leitfaden Aktensuche, herausgegeben von der Guido-Fluri-Stiftung (PDF, 656 kB, 09.08.2022)
- Guide pour la recherche de dossiers, publié par la fondation Guido Fluri (PDF, 527 kB, 09.08.2022)
Legal basis
Bundesgesetz über die Hilfe an Opfer von Straftaten (Opferhilfegesetz)
(OHG, SR 312.5)
(This document is not available in English) -
Federal Act on Compulsory Social Measures and Placements prior to 1981
(CSMPA, SR 211.223.13)
Victim Support Switzerland
(see "I am a victim of ..." > Compulsory social measures)
Last modification 29.08.2023