Appeal against extradition warrant

Bern, 10.06.2015 - One of the seven soccer officials has lodged an appeal with the Federal Criminal Court against the extradition warrant issued by the Federal Office of Justice (FOJ).

On 27 May 2015, seven soccer officials were arrested in Zurich on the orders of the Federal Office of Justice (FOJ) and detained pending their extradition. According to the arrest request submitted by the USA, they are suspected of having accepted bribes worth millions of dollars.

One of the seven soccer officials has lodged appeal against the Federal Office of Justice extradition warrant with the Federal Criminal Court in Bellinzona. The Federal Criminal Court will rule on whether or not he will have to remain in custody for the entire length of the extradition proceeding. Both the detainee and the Federal Office of Justice may appeal against the Federal Criminal Court decision before the Federal Supreme Court in Lausanne.

Address for enquiries

Folco Galli, Federal Office of Justice, tel. +41 58 462 77 88
Ingrid Ryser, Federal Office of Justice, tel. +41 58 462 48 48


Federal Office of Justice

Last modification 11.06.2024

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